Sunday, June 8, 2014

Trial and Error Meal Preps

Meal prepping did not start out easy for me. I would look at pictures of meal preps on Instagram and think "I can do that." I wanted to do it, but I also wanted it to be easy. And, I wasn't sure how to make it easy. So, a few preps included frozen meals. I passed the meals off as not being "that bad" for me. And, they're not, but they're also not the "best" meals for me. 

However, one of these meals includes of of my favorite preps I've done; the breakfast meal prep. I replaced regular bacon with turkey bacon a while ago. My personal favorite turkey bacon (strictly because I like the taste of it) is Jennie-O turkey bacon. I also have discovered Bob's Red Mill whole grain pancake mix, which is what I used in this prep. I added organic blueberries to these pancakes, which is my fruit of choice for all pancakes and smoothies I make. Boiled eggs and fresh, organic strawberries topped off this meal. As a little treat to myself on these pancakes I used a teaspoon of sugar free maple syrup. I see another breakfast prep in my near future.

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